Staff and students at Clarksville Intermediate School spent their afternoon planting trees on the playground behind the school. The trees were provided through a grant from the STOP (Shade Trees on Playgrounds) program. The STOP program began 21 years ago to help lower adult skin cancer risk by reducing childhood exposure to direct sunlight on school playgrounds. Since then, approximately 150 Arkansas schools have received trees.
The Forestry Division of the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, along with Superintendent Dr. David Hopkins, Mayor David Reider, and Principal Kathy Gregory talked to the students about the benefits of shade trees and the history of the STOP program.
Students then headed to the playground to learn how to plant and care for trees. Then, students were able to grab shovels and help with the process. We hope these trees grow large and give us shade for future generations.
Clarksville Intermediate would like to thank Mrs. Amy Blackard for applying for this grant.