Clarksville School District is hiring!
8 months ago, Debbie James
9 months ago, Debbie James
Panther Golf Tournament
Join our team! We are looking for a District Registered Nurse/Medicaid Clerk. Please apply by clicking:
9 months ago, Debbie James
District Nurse
Due to the possibility of severe weather this evening, all afterschool activities for the Clarksville School District are being postponed. School will dismiss at 3:30 today as normal. Thank you for your understanding as we do our best to keep all our students, staff, and parents safe.
9 months ago, Chase Carter
Translated Announcement
Date correction for Migrant Summer School: June 3-14
9 months ago, Cheyne Dougan
ATTENTION MIGRANT STUDENT PARENTS: If you have not registered your student for summer school, then you need to do so by Friday (May 10). The dates of summer school are June 3-10, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Transportation and meals are provided. To register, call 479-705-3253.
9 months ago, Cheyne Dougan
NATIONAL SCHOOL PRINCIPALS DAY Today is National School Principals Day! Clarksville School District would like to take this time to recognize our awesome principals. Mrs. Shelley Vaughn Mr. Lance Fetters Mrs. Brandy Cogan Mr. Brad Pearson Mrs. Kathy Gregory Mrs. Christel Thompson Mr. Mark Mooney Mrs. Angela Garner THANK YOU for all you do! CLARKSVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT
9 months ago, Debbie James
Principals....we hope you are enjoying your day.
9 months ago, Debbie James
ATTENTION MIGRANT STUDENT PARENTS: If you did not attend the Migrant Parent Night on Friday, then please come by the Registrar's office and pick up your items that were handed out to each student.
10 months ago, Cheyne Dougan
MIGRANT PARENT NIGHT REMINDER AND LOCATION CHANGE FOR FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH. Migrant Parent Night has been moved to the Fine Arts Building instead of the CHS Cafeteria. The event will begin at 6:30 PM this evening. Changes may need to be made because of weather issues, as well. Any additional changes will be posted later.
10 months ago, Cheyne Dougan
All Clarksville School facilities will be closed to everyone over the eclipse weekend and on eclipse day, Monday, April 8th. All the districts’ parking lots will also be closed and not available to the public or employees. We are doing this out of an abundance of caution and to avoid possible issues in resuming school on Tuesday. The district will announce via the text messaging system if school will be closed Tuesday. Otherwise, classes will only be closed on Monday, April 8th, and normal operations will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.
10 months ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Karen translation of announcement.
11 months ago, Chase Carter
Karen translation of announcement.
Debido a la posibilidad de condiciones climáticas severas esta tarde, todas las actividades extracurriculares y las conferencias de padres y maestros de K-5 para el Distrito Escolar de Clarksville se posponen. Los maestros contactarán a los padres de K-5 para discutir el progreso de su hijo/a y programar las conferencias necesarias. La escuela terminará a las 3:30 hoy como de costumbre. Agradecemos su comprensión mientras hacemos todo lo posible para mantener seguros a todos nuestros estudiantes, personal y padres.
11 months ago, Chase Carter
Due to the possibility of severe weather this evening, all afterschool activities, and K-5 Parent Teacher Conferences for the Clarksville School District are being postponed. Teachers will contact K-5 parents to discuss your child's progress and schedule necessary conferences. School will dismiss at 3:30 today as normal. Thank you for your understanding as we do our best to keep all of our students, staff, and parents safe.
11 months ago, Chase Carter
The district calendar and daily schedule will change Monday, February 5. Please click the link to read about the changes.
about 1 year ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Update From CSD Transportation January 23, 2024 All afternoon bus routes will run normally!
about 1 year ago, Chase Carter
We WILL be in session today with a 10:00 start time. However, there are some places where it is still unsafe to run buses due to ice. See list below: The following bus routes WILL NOT travel on the following roads: Bus 1—CR 3490 Bus 3—CR 4418, CR 4451 Bus 8—CR 3361, CR 3456 Bus 13—CR 3261, CR 3271, CR 4200 Bus 20—CR 3365, CR 3380 Bus 30—Delsie St., Arkie Ave., Treva Ln. Bus 34—CR 3222, CR 3251, CR 3265, CR 3360 Bus 36—CR 4100, CR 4131 Bus 49—Big Danger Rd., Riverpoint Rd.
about 1 year ago, Chase Carter
Follow the link below to see bus route times and information concerning the 10AM start for tomorrow, January 23. Breakfast will not be served.
about 1 year ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Our dirt roads are still very hazardous due to ice accumulation. We are going to go for a 10AM start tomorrow, Jan 23, just like we did Friday. However, if the roads have not improved by early tomorrow morning we will be forced to cancel school again. We will try to make that call by 8:30 AM if needed. I apologize for the inconvenience and uncertainty this situation is creating, but we don’t have any other options.
about 1 year ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Due to the threat of inclement weather, the Clarksville regular school board meeting for January has been moved to Monday, January 29th.
about 1 year ago, Debbie James