All Clarksville Schools will be OPEN for onsite learning tomorrow, Tuesday, September 29. The following link will take you to a video explaining our situation.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Las escuelas de Clarksville estarán cerradas al aprendizaje en el aula el lunes 28 de septiembre de 2020. La situación se reevaluará el lunes para determinar si la escuela puede reabrir o si el distrito debe permanecer cerrado al aprendizaje en el aula. Todos los maestros y el personal informarán como de costumbre para captar la atención a nuestros estudiantes a través del aprendizaje remoto. Todos los estudiantes deben continuar con sus clases mientras están en casa a través de Schoology. Esperamos tener una actualización sobre esta situación antes del cierre del lunes. Este cierre se debe a la cantidad de miembros del personal que actualmente están infectados o en cuarentena debido al COVID-19. Consulte los archivos adjuntos sobre la distribución de comidas escolares. Si tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta, comuníquese con el director de la escuela de su estudiante o con la oficina del superintendente.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Clarksville Schools will be closed to onsite learning Monday, September 28, 2020. The situation will be reevaluated Monday to determine if school can reopen, or if the district should remain closed to onsite learning. All faculty and staff will report as usual to engage our students through remote learning. All students need to continue with their classes while at home via Schoology. We hope to have an update on this situation by close of business Monday. This closure is due to the number of staff members that are currently infected or under quarantine due to COVID-19. Please see attachments regarding school meal distributions. If you have any concerns please contact your child's building principal or the superintendent's office.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Spanish translation of the parent /teacher conference information that was posted 2 days ago. Este año, debido a COVID-19, nuestras conferencias de padres y maestros no serán reuniones en persona. En cambio nuestros maestros llamarán a los padres por teléfono, comenzando con los estudiantes que tienen mayor riesgo de reprobar. Debido a la falta de tiempo, es posible que no se llame a todos los padres en la fecha programada para la conferencia entre padres y maestros. Los padres son siempre bienvenidos y pueden llamar a la escuela o utilizar Schoology para reunirse con el maestro de su hijo.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
This year, due to COVID-19, our parent/teacher conferences will not be in-person meetings. Instead, our teachers will be calling parents on the phone, starting with the students that are at most risk of failing. Due to a lack of time, all parents may not be called on the scheduled parent/teacher conference date. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to call the school or use Schoology to conference with their child's teacher.
over 4 years ago, Clarksville School District
Starting today, September 3, 2020, Clarksville Schools will serve ALL students free breakfast and lunch. We are told this will last for the remainder of this semester.
over 4 years ago, Clarksville School District
Parents, download our NEW school app to your phone!! This app will help you keep up with school events, news, lunch menus and other important information. For both Android and iPhone! Do it today!
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
This website will keep the public notified regarding the number of COVID cases confirmed on a given day within our district. This is not an overall total number. It is only the number of positive cases confirmed on the indicated date along with the "probable close contacts" associated with the positive case that must also quarantine.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
An update from the superintendent regarding the COVID-19 cases affecting the football teams.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
School will start as scheduled on Monday, August 24. Remember to use the screening tool before you come to school. We are working hard to follow all of the Dept of Health guidelines so that your children will be as safe as possible. Please wear a mask to school.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
COVID-19 Screening tool
Due to the quarantine protocol our football teams must follow, Clarksville will have to cancel all football games through September 4th. We currently have positive cases on the HS and JH teams.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
We have had a senior high football player test positive for COVID-19. We are suspending all levels of football until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Another football coach has tested positive for COVID-19. Our coaches have been working very hard to maintain social distancing with the team members and wear masks at all times during practice. Based on the ADH guidelines we will continue with practice.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
We have a couple of recently posted videos that will help parents navigate the Schoology App. Schoology is how our teachers, students and parents will communicate, receive class instruction and turn in assignments electronically.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
COVID-19 case numbers by school district now available. The numbers reflect the whole population within our school district boundaries not just students and staff that attend our school.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
One of our football coaches has tested positive for COVID-19. Our coaches have been following ADH guidelines. We will disinfect both field houses and will continue with our football practice schedule tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, Clarksville School District
Please see this short video to get started using our district's new phone app!
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Clarksville parents, I have made a video to help explain the plans our district will use for the return to onsite learning on August 24th. For more information please contact the school where your child attends.
over 4 years ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Student support by entire school
If still thinking about virtual or on-site instruction, this document may help. Still have questions? Contact us at 479-705-3256 or email an administrator.
over 4 years ago, Christel Thompson
Updated Calendar-Approved 7/20/20
over 4 years ago, Kathy Gregory
Updated Calendar 7/20/20